Monday, December 30, 2019

Causes of White Spots on the Fingernails

A lot of things can ruin the first impression. Like unfilled and unkempt nails. And when there are white spots, there’s a toss in your confidence. White spots on fingernails are usually a sign of nutrient deficiency, but fungal infections may also cause them to appear. Wondering if this problem has any natural cures? To find out, read on.

What Is Leukonychia?

White spots on the nails are a sign of the leukonychia disease. Typically, these marks are on the finger or toenails and are not a lot of medical concerns. Several individuals have spots that appear all over the nails as tiny dots, while other individuals have spots that are broad enough to cover the entire nail. Leukonychia is a common occurrence, often arising from any of the following factors.

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