Monday, June 17, 2019

Look Inside To Know Which Fruit To Avoid During Pregnancy

Fruits that are not suitable for mom-To–Be
You must take proper care when you are pregnant so that you have access during your pregnancy to the right fruits, vegetables, and macronutrients. Your body undergoes a sea of change from an overproduction of hormones to stress when you are pregnant.
It is essential that you take adequate care of yourself when your body changes to accommodate the fetus by following a strict diet that includes fruits, vegetables, and micronutrients. You must choose a healthy diet because it can affect your baby’s health as well as your pregnancy. At the same time, some foods and fruits for pregnant women are not recommended. Read on for more information. 
Fruit list to be avoided during pregnancy
While most fruits contain the necessary vitamins and nutrients that your body will crave during pregnancy, especially when your fetus is undergoing a spurt of growth, it is equally important to avoid certain other types of fruits because they can cause severe discomfort. Some were even known to affect the fetus while others were known to causemiscarriage. Here is a list of fruits that should not be eaten during pregnancy: 
1. Papaya:
Papaya is known for its rich source of iron and vitamin, but when your baby is inside the womb it is good to avoid it. Rich in latex, the unripe and semi-ripe varieties of papaya tend to trigger uterine contractions, leading to early labor. Thus, having a normal delivery without any complications is best avoided during the third trimester. Because papaya is known to cure heartburn, anemia, and constipation, it may be ingested under your gynecologist’s advice during the second trimester. 
2.  Pineapple:
Another fruit to keep away from pregnant women is pineapple. Pineapple contains a rich quantity of’ Bromelain’ which causes the cervix to soften and may induce early labor in pregnant women. It is also said that too much pineapple can cause diarrhea, leading to dehydration. For the above reasons, avoiding this fruit is better. As the plant kingdom grows wide with thousands of varieties, there is a ton of fruits that pregnant women can eat that will cause the body to have good effects: 
3. Grapes:
While grapes are a multifunctional nutritious fruit, in the third trimester it is best to avoid them. Grapefruit has heat content that, especially in the final trimester, can affect the mother and baby. Even raisin intake during the third trimester should be limited. To get a better picture, you can talk to your gynecologist. 
4. Tamarind:
Tamarind is extremely rich in vitamin C, and that is one of the main reasons why it should be included in the fruit list to avoid pregnancy. It contains high amounts of vitamin C that can excessively suppress the production of progesterone in your body. Lower levels of progesterone can lead to miscarriage, premature birth and can even cause cell damage in the fetus. So make sure, especially during the first trimester, you don’t consume too much tamarind. 
5.  Bananas:
You may be surprised to see this humble fruit included here (which is often a comfort food for many people). While it is considered safe to consume bananas during pregnancy as a thumb rule, there are a few contraindications; women with allergies are advised against eating bananas and women with diabetes or gestational diabetes. Bananas contain chitinase, a known allergen-latex-like substance. It also increases heat from the body. Women allergic to chitinase should, therefore, remain away from bananas. Bananas also have good sugar content, so people with diabetes are advised not to consume them. 
6. Canned Tomatoes: 
When you expect, avoiding any and all canned food is always a good idea as it contains high amounts of preservatives. And both you and your baby are toxic to these preservatives, and consuming them can lead to complications.
7.  Frozen Berries:
For new mothers, it is a good idea to avoid frozen berries or anything that has been dried or frozen over long periods of time. Consuming fresh fruit is always a good idea rather than choosing to eat frozen berries. Since these berries have been frozen for a long time, all the original flavor and nutrients have gone away for a long time and eating the same can be toxic to both you and your baby. Therefore, instead of the frozen or canned variety, you may want to opt for fresh berries. 
8. Sesame Seeds:
It is vital that during the first trimester of your pregnancy you avoid consuming sesame seeds in any form. Sesame seeds are widely believed to cause uterine contractions, so consuming the same would cause you to experience sharp discomfort, pain, and even cause the fetus to be thrown out of your uterus. In all its many variants, therefore, avoid consuming sesame seeds. 
9. Dates:
Dates are rich in vitamins and essential nutrients, but it is often recommended that pregnant women avoid dates of consumption. One of the main reasons for the dates is that they cause your body to heat up and can even lead to uterine contractions by exciting your uterine muscles. So while it should be okay to eat a single date or two a day, anything else can lead to complications. 
10. Watermelons:
Generally speaking, watermelons are good for the human body as they allow the body to flush out all the toxins while regulating hydration. But there’s also a flip side to this because if you were to consume watermelon during your pregnancy, you might expose your fetus to the different toxins that the watermelon flushes out. It’s also cold food, so it’s not recommended to eat it while you’re pregnant. 
Will Pregnant Women Drink Fruit Juice?
If you’re expecting, then it might be a good idea to miss a fresh pressed juice. For the simple reason that non-pasteurized juices can lead to digestion-related diseases, pregnant women are strongly advised to avoid fresh pressed juice. So make sure it’s pasteurized when you consume fruit juice. 
When you crave a glass of juice, reach for prune juice as it can help alleviate constipation. Or you can even try to drink some folic acid spinach juice that can allow you fetus to develop normally while avoiding conditions like spina bifida. But overall, avoiding fruit juice during pregnancy is a good idea for all expectant mothers. 
Now that you know well, what to eat and what not to eat when you’re pregnant, make sure you check the list of fruit carefully to avoid when you’re pregnant.

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