Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Infertility And Difficulty In Conceiving - Moma Baby Etc

INFERTILITY – It is the inability to conceive a baby despite having regular (unprotected) sex.
It is clearly understood that infertility is a problem suffered very commonly and yet hushed by many.
Many doctors have shared how women are often on their own when they visit them. They are mostly accompanied by their in-laws than their husbands. This is the mindset that needs to be scratched very soon.
Infertility is mostly perceived as a female problem than a problem that a couple is facing together. Regardless of the medical cause of infertility, it is women who receive the major blame and therefore even suffer social stigma, ostracism etc. Couples must keep in their minds that it takes two people to conceive a baby. Therefore, a man can be equally responsible for any fertility issues. Although, some fertility cases can also be because of an issue in both the partners. Some infertility cases can be because of both the partners too.
It can take quite some time for a few women to get pregnant. If the problem persists even after a year of trying, it’s the best idea to see your GP (General Practitioner).
You will be suggested treatments that could help you to get over the common causes of fertility problems.
They are 2 types of infertility:
Primary infertility and secondary infertility
Primary infertility is when someone who has never conceived a child in the past, faces difficulty in conceiving.
Secondary infertility is when someone has had one or more pregnancies before but is having a difficulty in conceiving again.
What causes infertility?
Some general factors
  • Diabetes
  • Thyroid
  • Rising alcohol and tobacco consumption
  • Obesity
  • Undue stress causing anxiety
  • Endometrial tuberculosis
Some causes of infertility may only be found in Females.
  • Ovulation problems
  • Tubal blockage
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Uterine problems
  • Age related factors
  • Advanced maternal age
Some causes found only in males:
  • Primary ciliary dyskinesia
  • Low semen quality
Due to –
  • Endocrine problems
  • Drugs
  • Radiation
  • Infection
  • Hormone imbalance
  • Cystic fibrosis
If both the partners have been trying to conceive for about one year and have not succeeded, they must visit a physician who can then help to identify the medical problems, if any. Sometimes the doctor also suggests a prescribed change that must be brought in the lifestyle which then increases the chances of conceiving.
They often give a physical examination and carry out some basic tests on both the partners to see any identifiable reason for not having achieved the pregnancy. They may refer the patients to a fertility clinic for more specialized tests to check further
Inability to conceive bears a stigma in many cultures. The ultimate rejection or sense of being rejected leads to stress and anxiety. The pressure by family members and the kinds of comments said has a huge negative effect on the social life of a couple.
Infertility also comes with psychological effects for many. The partners get more anxious to conceive and it leads to dysfunction. The couple are always under the pressure to take a medical decision. The women who are trying to conceive are recorded to often have depression during this time. Emotional stress between a couple may lead to marital difficulties.

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