Monday, May 27, 2019

How To Get Rid Of Whiteheads & Blackheads

How To Get Rid Of Whiteheads & Blackheads

One of the main elements of a person’s beauty is clear and beautiful skin. Taking care of it every day is one sure way to have healthy and picture-perfect skin, especially Blackheads and whiteheads
We’ve compiled a list of some of the best remedies that will help you remove blackheads and whiteheads from your nose and face naturally.

Causes Of White Heads:

A whitehead is a type of acne that forms inside one of your pores when dead skin cells, oil, and bacteria are trapped. Whiteheads can be annoying, and at the worst times, they may appear to develop. The good news is that with a combination of lifestyle changes and medical treatments, whiteheads can be prevented.

Causes Of Black Heads:

Blackheads are small bumps that appear on your skin because of clogged hair follicles. These bumps are called blackheads because they look dark or black on the surface. Blackheads are a mild type of acne that usually appears on the face, back, chest, neck, arms, shoulders.

1. Lemon + honey + sugar:

Cut a lemon in half and pour sufficient honey to cover the lemon’s cut surface. Sprinkle the lemon half with two pinches of sugar (it’s better to use cane sugar) and massage the problem areas gently in a circular motion with this natural’ sponge.’

Repeat the procedure no longer than once a week.

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World No Tobacco Day 2019

In order to promote awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco use, the World Health Organization (WHO) has introduced World No Tobacco Day. Individuals and organizations–both governmental and non-governmental–come together every year as the campaign includes stakeholders from various sectors. On this internationally celebrated day, WHO and other state and public health organizations are appealing and advocating for policy changes to reduce and control the world’s tobacco consumption.

Why Is World No Tobacco Day Celebrated?

World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) is celebrated every year on 31 May by the World Health Organization (WHO) and global partners. The annual campaign provides an opportunity to sensitize people about the dangerous and deadly consequences of the use of tobacco and exposure to secondhand smoke and to discourage the use of tobacco in any form.
World No Tobacco Day focuses on “tobacco and lung health.” The campaign will raise awareness on:
  • The negative impact that tobacco has on people’s lung health, from cancer to chronic respiratory disease.
  • The fundamental role lungs play for the health and well-being of all people.
The campaign serves as an appeal for action to promote effective policy on reducing tobacco consumption. And Also to involve stakeholders in the fight to control tobacco across multiple sectors.

How is India celebrating World No Tobacco Day?

In India, like elsewhere, the World No Tobacco Day is also widely celebrated. Different governmental organizations and NGOs are resolutely propagating for the end of tobacco use. Government bodies such as the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare spread publicity and education awareness. They also introduce policy changes such as a ban on public smoking.
Civil society is actively involved in organizing demonstrations, marches and awareness campaigns to spread awareness among people and takes initiative. People from various sectors of society, activists, and experts gather to host meetings, public debates, artworks and facilities, healthcare camps, etc. The purpose of rallies, marches and parades are to change the mindset of people who consume tobacco.

How does Tobacco Influence Your Lives?

Smoking cigarettes harms almost every organ in the body, causes numerous diseases and decreases the overall health of smokers. Quitting smoking reduces the risk of diseases linked to smoking and can add years to your life.
Smoking and using tobacco pose many health risks. The more serious the following are listed:

 Heart and blood vessel problems:

  • Blood coagulation and weakness in the blood vessel walls of the brain that can lead to stroke
  • Blood coagulation in the legs that can reach the lungs
  • Coronary artery diseases, such as angina and heart attack
  • After smoking, blood pressure temporarily increased.
  • Poor delivery of blood to the legs
  • Erection problems due to reduced blood flow into the penis

Other health risks or problems:

  • Cancer
  • Healing poor wound after the operation.
  • Lung problems, like COPD or difficult to control asthma
  • Problems during pregnancy, such as low birth weight babies, early labor, baby loss, and cleft lip.
  • Ability to taste and smell decreased
  • Damage to sperm that can lead to infertility.
  • Loss of sight as a result of increased macular degeneration risk.
  • Diseases of tooths and gums.
  • Wrinkle of the skin

Secondhand smoke health risks

Those who are often around the smoke of others (secondhand smoke) have a higher risk of:
  • Heart and cardiovascular attack.
  • Cancer of the lungs.
  • Sudden and serious eye, nose, throat, and lower respiratory tract reactions

Babies and children frequently exposed to second-hand smoke are at risk of:

  • The flares of asthma.
  • Mouth, throat, sinus, ear, and lung infections
  • Damage to the lung (poor function of the lung).
  • SIDS

Negative Impacts Of Tobacco-Use:

1. Health:

The main cause of preventable deaths among people using tobacco products is tobacco. Consumption of tobacco is extremely dangerous to the heart, lungs and breathing system. It is responsible, to name a few, for non-communicable diseases such as cancer, chronic respiratory diseases, cardiac diseases, and diabetes. Every year, both active and passive smoking claim numerous lives.
It is horrific to note that the consumption of tobacco can cause cancers not only of the lungs and respiratory tract, but also of the kidneys, pancreas, liver, nasal cavity, and upper gastrointestinal tract. Among those who use smokeless tobacco, oral cancer is common.
Asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and tuberculosis are major respiratory tract-related illnesses. Consumption of tobacco also increases the risk of heart problems such as stroke, heart disease ischemic and heart attack. Tobacco destroys the body slowly and steadily.

2. Finances

Smoking and other forms of tobacco consumption not only destroy the body but also burden individuals and their families with a huge financial burden. Tobacco products drain people’s finances and smoking and tobacco-related medication and treatment costs are sky-rocketing. In this case, the expenses of life insurance and medical care are so to speak insurmountably. The only solution to this threat is to stop tobacco consumption.

3. Family life

Smokers often do not realize that passive smoking threatens their families and friends. Few are aware that smoking inhalation is as damaging as active smoking. It can fatally affect your loved ones and cause significant health problems.
Moreover, the root cause of strain in family life is tobacco consumption. Smoking and tobacco users have a negative impact on the mental and psychological well-being of the family. They are a constant cause of concern and often lead to distressing and exciting relationships.
The havoc of tobacco consumption cannot stop wrecking smokers ‘ personal and family lives. This is the time to act when your loved ones frequently use tobacco. Our country can steadily move to be tobacco-free if we all join hands.

Simplifying Isn’t Sacrifice: How To Enrich Your Life

Simplifying Isn’t Sacrifice: How to Enrich Your Life

Our modern society is becoming more and more complex. The rapid development of technology, fast-moving living, an overload of information, hyper-capitalism and endless choices penetrate every area of our lives. Even simple acts like watching a film, browsing the supermarket aisles or ordering food for the takeoff can now offer an overflow of options.
We find ourselves in a culture of “more-is-more,” full of sensory stimulation, excess, and boundless choice. Living a simple life can be seen as a near-blasphemy — and resisting perpetual FOMO; a step backward. However, voluntary simplicity is a powerful change in lifestyle.
In order to simplify, you do not have to imitate the extremes of great spiritual sages who have renounced all their worldly possessions. When done with the intention of voluntarily simplifying as a catalyst for spiritual growth, simplicity can be a blessing, not a sacrifice.

Simplify Your Inner Life To Remove The Distraction:

I believe that the unbroken nature of the mind drives our creation of complex lifestyles. The busier we are, the less time we face our thoughts on racing or disturbing emotions. We have a myriad of ways to distract ourselves, whether it’s harnessing a busy social life, stimulating the brain with entertainment, or never switching off social media.
Voluntary simplicity, however, covers more than material possessions. We can also use it by slowing down and giving us room to breathe and recover. This emotional simplicity needs to be grossly discerned. This emotional simplicity requires ruthless discernment; a way of drowning out the noise of insignificance, stopping the hustle and bustle of “shoulds and thoughts,” providing quietness to appreciate what is valuable.
The design principle of KISS (“Keep It Simple, Stupid”) states that systems do best when they are simple and not complex. As architects of our lives, by applying this principle to all areas of life–including our schedules, relations and also our objectives and wants-we have the opportunity of avoiding an unnecessary distraction.

Gratitude And Fulfillment:

Voluntary simplification will not work if we do not know what is meaningful to us. That is why it is necessary to make clear our values. The first step is to reduce distraction and start the quest to reveal the desire of our heart. These values provide the basis for easy prosperity when we have that insight.
Gratitude and fulfillment is a beautiful byproduct of cutting through the superficial elements of life and aligning with our values. It is an entrance to appreciate what we already have; food in the fridge, our health, people we love you and those who love you. As this habit of simplification and gratitude increases, the desire for complexity is naturally reduced.
My desires have changed dramatically as my practice has grown and I have invited more gratitude and simplicity into my life. My values have become clearer and clearer over time, as I have built conviction about their meaning, a direct result of the benefits they bring to my well-being.
This also simplifies the process of decision-making: I say not much more than I used to do. I don’t want alcohol or drugs or partying or sex to escape.

Simple Outwardly, Rich Inwardly:

Step-by-step in your voluntary simplicity to create a lasting habit. Start by adding one day of the week to detox social media and spend time in nature. Or try eating dinner with a loved one without mobile or TV or music distractions. Spend time exploring consciously what you find most meaningful. And try to make this the primary focus of your time for larger chunks.
There will be challenges as volunteer simplicity becomes part of your life. Moments of resistance and FOMO will take place. There will be anxieties and lapses that need self-compassion, patience, and understanding. There will be times when everything seems futile. And you are strongly appealed to by the life of complexity.
Simplification, however, provides an opportunity to appreciate the miracle of each moment with dedication and patience. The discreet beauty of existence becomes more and more lucid over time.
A walk in nature, a warm meal, and a loved one’s embrace all contribute to complete life. A life that is outwardly simplified but enriched.
Enrich your life means that your life is as fulfilling, meaningful and joyful as possible. One can live without ever exploring the world, raising difficult questions or taking risks-but is that really living?

How To Make Better Use Of Your Time

How to Make Better Use of Your Time

Learning how to better use your hours enables other changes of all kinds. You will need to become more productive if you want to achieve any of your goals this year.
“Better use of my time” is not one of New Year’s most common resolutions. However, life is lived in hours, and making better use of your hours allows for all sorts of other changes. If you’re so rushed and harried you’re constantly hitting the drive-through, it’s hard to lose weight.
Fortunately, it is quite straightforward–and probably easier than swearing off the fries–to acquire better time management skills.

Working Smarter, Not Harder:

The old adage, “work more intelligently, not harder” has become a staple in the way I go about any kind of work.
Rather than being robotic about how I approach tasks, I try to be thoughtful and always ask myself whether something can be done more efficiently or completely eliminated.
Managing my time doesn’t mean squeezing as many tasks as possible into my day. It’s about making it easier for me to work, doing things faster and relieving stress.
It’s about clearing up space for people, playing and relaxing in my life.
I promise that there are really many hours in a day to do all that you want to do, but it may take a little time to rearrange and reimagine.
Here are some tweaks which could make your year more productive.

1. Keep A Time Log For 24 Hours:

Try to write down the exact amount of time you spend. The one week track is ideal–this is the life cycle as we live it–but it is also helpful to keep track of one day or two. You’ll begin to see models: a morning routine that’s always longer than you would like, a split afternoon work because you didn’t really take a lunch break. The first step to better spend your time is to know how you spend it now.

2. Don’t Waste Your Commute:

Find anything worth listening to, or rather share a ride with a friend, a colleague, or your wife, one day a week.

3. Make  A “Bits Of Time For Bits Of Joy” List:

While managing time is pretty good, it’s easy to spend with tiny chunks of time that are difficult to use. You have 20 minutes before a meeting begins or expect something in the microwave to clear in eight minutes. Make a list that doesn’t take much time to list things you love doing.

4. Stop Saying “I Don’t Have Time:

You might think you don’t have time to exercise, but if someone offered to pay you $250,000 this year to exercise five times a week, you’d probably find time to do it. There is, therefore, no lack of time. A more precise statement is “this is not a matter of priority.” Instead, try to use this language each time you are tempted to claim lack of time. Talking about priorities instead of time reminds us that time is a choice and you can choose differently if you are not satisfied with how you spend your time now.

5. Stop Hitting Snooze:

Before breakfast, don’t spend your precious willpower fighting your own battle. Either set your alarm for the time you actually intend to get up or recreate “snooze” time the night before by getting to bed earlier, allowing you to drift off slowly.

6. Write Major Priorities On Your Calendar:

Would you like to find a new job? Search and networking schedule an hour, two to three times a week. Would you like to write a book? It is unlikely that it will happen alone. So schedule 6-7:30 a.m. writing time. Until it’s done, Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. Planning is what makes fantasies feasible.

7. Scrutinize All Recurring Meetings:

Do they really have to happen? Could they happen less often? Could they happen informally? You can buy yourself hours a week by forcing meetings to earn their place in your life if you work in a meeting-addicted culture.

8. Don’t Allow Unimportant Details To Drag You Down:

We often allow projects to take a lot, much longer than they could by hanging too much on small details. This is what I am guilty of. I was a perfectionist at all times.
What I have found, however, is that the desire to constantly examine what I have done so far can be pushed past. I’m much better off pressing on, finishing the bulk, and then revising things.

9. Leave A Buffer-Time Between Tasks:

It’s hard to appreciate what we’re doing and stay focused and motivated when we rush from task to task. It can be a breath of fresh air for our brains to allow ourselves to have downtime between tasks. Go for a short walk, meditate, or perform some other exercise of mind-clearing while taking a break.

10. Get An Early Start:

The impulse to procrastinate plagues almost all of us. It seems so easy, and you always succeed in finally getting it done, so why not?
Take it from a recovering chronic procrastinator— getting an earlier start on something is so much nicer and less stressful. It’s not that hard either if you decide to do it firmly.
Enjoyment should be the goal at all times. Work can be play.
We’re so busy that we forget to enjoy what we’re doing. Even if we concentrate on working more intelligently, we are still too often focused on doing things.
This is never going to be the point. Ask yourself: What can I do to enjoy what I’m doing more time?
The goal should be to arrange your commitments in such a way that, even while you are working, you are happy to live out the details of your everyday life.
This may sound like a pipe dream, but in today’s world, it is more possible than ever. Be curious. Be open to the chance. Know yourself Take on your passions.
Wonderful things are going to happen. Best of luck putting these tips into practice and let me know if I can do anything else to help you.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Do You Want To Preserve Memories Forever?

Do You Want To Preserve Memories Forever?

Before you know it, your kids will grow up. Rather than lamenting how time flies, preserve the memories before they fade away. Just like Harry Potter’s pensieve, which allowed him to relive long gone times, capture the memories of your kids with these fun ideas.
Take a walk down your children’s memory lane by unfolding the experiences you have carefully preserved over time. Children grow up ridiculously fast so that capturing these memories is important in order to revive them later. They’re going to love to see themselves as kids and they’re going to marvel at their moms and dads looking as young as they do now.
There are so many fun and unique ways to preserve your child’s memories. You’re going to want to try to save a mix of different memories: some that you’re going to be able to cherish and some that your child wants when they’re older. Here are 15 ways of saving memories creatively:

Look Inside What’s The Diet Plan Of Mom To Be – Chhavi Mittal

Many celebrities from the B-town have welcome parenthood recently. One such celebrity is the television actress, Chhavi Mittal who is soon going to enter the motherhood phase expectedly in May 2019. Chhavi and Mohit are expecting their second baby in May 2019. She is active in social media and regularly updated how she is handling her 2nd pregnancy. 
On 20th of this month, she shares her diet plan for 9 months to stay healthy and fit. According to her, there is no hard and fast rule that she follows.  Also, she drinks a lot of water and during pregnancy have reduced coffee to only half a teaspoon. 
She Shares her entire eating schedule which helps fellow pregnant mommies:
  • Pre Breakfast:  Smoothie. It has 1 banana, greek yogurt, flaxseeds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, wheatgrass powder, coconut oil, muesli, dates, berries and sometimes organic cocoa.
  • Breakfast:  2 stuffed paranthas with butter, 2 whole eggs with cheese, oats, pancakes, sandwich.
  • Mid-morning: 1 of those jaggery and dry fruit laddoos and coffee. 
  • Lunch: Dal, veg (whatever’s cooked), 2 rotis, salad.
  • Evening snack: Mostly nothing. I start feeling fuller at this time after all the hogging.
  • Dinner (at 7ish): Chicken, mutton with 2 rotis and salad.”
She also shares her toughest time of the day i.e Post- Dinner. According to her “Post- dinner is the toughest time and that time I eat ice cream. My Favorite ice cream is Mississippi mudpie from @baskinrobbins. If I sleep late then I drink half a cup of milk sweetened with dates.
Chhavi is a mother of 6 years old daughter  Areeza. She is now waiting for the new member of the family. She truly enjoying this beautiful journey.

Is Fluoride Toothpaste Safe For Children?

Is Fluoride Toothpaste Safe For Children?

Whether the use of fluoride toothpaste is safe for children and infants has been raised concerns. Use for children is recommended by the American Dental Association. However, children may be more prone to excess fluoride intake-related complications than adults. This is because their teeth are more vulnerable to excess fluoride damage. It is therefore important to use any type of fluoride-based products, such as fluoride toothpaste, in the safest ways recommended for children.

What Is Fluoride?

Fluoride is a natural mineral found in water, soil and air. Nearly all water has some fluoride, but the levels of fluoride can vary depending on the source. Moreover, fluoride is added to many of America’s public water supplies. The added amount varies by area, and fluoride is not added to all areas.
It is added to the supply of toothpaste and water since fluoride can help:
  • Preventing Cavities & Tooth Decay
  • It strengthens weak dent enamel and reduces mineral loss.
  • Helps repair acid damage to the tooth.
  • Reduces oral / plaque bacteria.
Fluoride toothpaste has a higher fluoride concentration than fluoridated water and is not intended to be swallowed.

Is Fluoride Toothpaste Safe For Children?

Discussions were held as to whether fluoride is safe for babies. Yes, it’s. It has been recommended, however, that you use fluoride toothpaste with a seal of acceptance from your country’s relevant medical authorities. Fluoride is also frequently recommended as supplements for children.
Fluoride is usually not recommended for infants, however, unless they live in areas where drinking water lacks fluoride, including bottled water. So, what action should be taken for infants using fluoride toothpaste? The amount should be about the size of a grain of rice for babies and infants.
Before the age of 8, excess fluoride is not good. That’s when human teeth develop. At this time, excess fluoride may result in a condition called enamel fluorosis. This condition is characterized by discolored teeth. At times, these symptoms are not very noticeable and the condition is usually mild.

Symptoms  Of  Fluoride Poisoning:

The reason for excess fluoride intake is mostly due to accidental fluoride toothpaste swallowing, mouth wash, rinsing, or any other fluoride-based dental care product. If the body is not required to take excess fluoride supplements, this condition can also occur. Excess fluoride intake can also lead to poisoning. It is not a serious condition or a life threat, but it is very common. It usually happens half an hour after intake. This condition can last almost 24 hours. Fluoride Poisoning symptoms include:
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Increased salivation
  • Thirst increased

Can Fluoride Toothpaste Be Used By Young Children (age 3 years and up)?

Yes, fluoride toothpaste can be used for children aged 3 or older. Make sure the quantity used is not more than a pea’s size. It is common practice for Toddlers to swallow toothpaste, which should be discouraged. Be around when your children are brushing on their own. Tell them not to swallow the toothpaste and spit it out. Keep products out of children’s reach so they don’t take large amounts of them playfully.

What About High-Fluoride Toothpaste?

To people with severe tooth decay or high risk of cavities, dentists sometimes prescribe high-fluoride toothpaste. These kinds of toothpaste have a higher fluoride concentration than anything you can buy from your local drug store over-the-counter. High-fluoride toothpaste should not be shared with other family members like any other prescription medication. High-fluoride toothpaste is safe for adults when used as directed. Children should not use toothpaste with high fluoride.

Are There Any Alternatives To Fluoride Toothpaste For Children?

There are fluoride-free toothpaste available if you are concerned about fluoride. Here you can buy fluoride-free toothpaste.
Fluoride-free toothpaste will help clean your teeth, but it does not protect your teeth from decay in the same way as fluoride toothpaste. If you decide to use fluoride-free toothpaste, ensure regular brushing and regular dental cleaning follow-up. This will help catch any early cavities or signs of decline.
If you want fluoride benefits but are concerned about safety, consider looking for toothpaste with the approval seal of the American Dental Association. To earn this seal, manufacturers must submit studies and other documents showing their product’s safety and efficacy.
For most parents, oral and dental hygiene of children is a primary concern. If you prefer to stick to traditional toothpaste with fluoride, keep in mind the tips we’ve given. Alternative toothpaste may be preferable for a few days a week and fluoride may be used the other days. This can create a good balance. 


Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Best Movies To Watch When You Are Pregnant

Best Movies To Watch When You Are Pregnant

Hollywood And Bollywood

These nine months are very precious but you might get bored sitting and deal with the unavoidable pregnancy symptoms. Here is a list of 10 best movies (Hollywood and Bollywood) for you to enjoy during this time. Watch all or pick your favorites!


Monsoon Health Care Tips For Babies

Monsoon Health Care Tips For Babies

While after hot summer monsoons bring relief to our body and mind, mothers begin to worry about the health of their baby. This humid, moist weather is a breeding ground for mosquitoes and other germs that could lead to malaria, dengue, and microbial infections. Here are a few tips that moms can follow in this weather to protect their baby.

How To Take Care Of Your Baby In The Monsoons?

1) Keep your baby clean and dry during Monsoons:

During the monsoons season, weather changes frequently and drastically. Keeping the baby clean and dry is important as the weather can be humid. Humidity can cause bacteria to grow, which in turn can cause infection. Give the right bath and dress up in loose fitting clothes. Wipe often when the baby is sweating. Continue checking for any fungal infection under the arms, neck and diaper area.

2. A healthy diet for mothers breastfeeding:

Opt for breastfeeding as often as possible as it provides the antibodies and probiotics that your child needs to stay protected. You should also follow a good diet, as these nutrients are what your child will receive essentially through your milk.

3. Wear warm and breathable clothes:

The atmosphere undergoes two major changes when the monsoons dawn on us. The rains bring the surrounding area’s temperature down and allow the trapped heat to escape. As a result, this also increased the humidity in the air. This is a strange combination that simultaneously makes you feel cold and hot. In such cases, letting your child wear thick cotton clothes or light fabrics made partially from wool is best. Not only do they keep him warm, but they also allow his skin to breathe.

4.  Protect infant against mosquitoes:

The rainy season also creates mosquitoes, and protecting the baby against them is important.
  • The best way is to ensure that your home is not stagnant and that mosquitoes don’t breed.
  • Regularly clean water coolers and remove all water if not in use.
  • Keep your baby dressed in clothes covered but loose.
  • For baby mosquito repellents such as patches that can be applied to clothes and not to skin, you can use safely.

5. Food should always be prepared freshly:

It is necessary to make fresh food for them for each meal for slightly grown-up babies that have started solids. Formulas should be prepared in boiled water to remove infection possibilities. After each feeding, all utensils the baby uses should be sterilized.

6. Trim your baby’s nails:

Humid weather can cause itching and rashes. Keep your baby’s nails trimmed so that during itching he/she doesn’t harm themselves. Also, bacteria can harbor under the nails, so regularly trim, baby and your own nails.

7. Change diapers frequently:

Changing diapers or cloth nappies during the monsoons season becomes crucial. Extra moisture can cause moisture to be locked in the nappy region in particular, causing rashes and infection. Therefore, make sure you keep the nappy region of the baby dry by frequently changing diapers. You can even give extra air time to the baby by letting the baby go free of diapers when the baby is at home.

8. Wash your hands whenever you change your child:

This is a hygiene habit for all seasons, but it is even more important during rainy seasons when you are unaware of infections at any time.
Also, whenever you change or feed baby, wash or disinfect your hands.
You can also keep a disinfectant in the vicinity of a cot, allowing anybody to take charge of the baby.

9. Treat any infections immediately:

Cough and cold often begin to infect and soon become stubborn cough, which lasts for weeks. So, if your child shows any signs of cough and cold, treat them immediately instead of waiting for them to resolve themselves. Young children still develop immunity, and these infections need help.

10. Do a pre-monsoon check:

In your house, especially in your baby’s room, always do a pre-monsoons check before the rain starts. There should be no humidity or water leakage in that room. The electrical wiring should be correct and the house should be clean and clean.

How Often During Monsoons Should You Bathe Your Baby?

Because a baby is primary indoors, a daily bath is not needed. It can also give your baby relief from heat two to three times a week, and especially around humid times. Definitely give him a nice warm water bath if your child was outside.

Tips To Understand Child Psychology

Child Psychology is a wide-ranging subject. It tells you about an individual’s growth from childhood to the end of adolescence and how e...